An Update on Texan RB Ryan Moats

This is an update on the ‘there are no words really to describe this situation,’ but in a nutshell, the nut Dallas Police Officer Robert Powell saw Moats in the middle of the night run a red light where there was no traffic. Moats was trying to get to the hospital to see his dying mother in law. Powell prevented him from doing that. Everybody has apologized to Moats. The video shows Powell was an arse. So of course Dallas Police Officer Powell has now apologized. Big frig. Moats has now backed off his statement that Powell should be fired. If you read the comments to various online articles you will see a lot of the racial hatred that came out when Obama was elected president. I don’t have time for those people. Or Officer Powell. Nor will I back off my statement that he should be fired.

It is obvious from the video Powell has a power issue. That is an emotional quality a police officer does not need to possess. Because white hospital officials and a white officer begged him to let the Black Moats see his dying relative and he still refused to budge it is also obvious he has a racial issue. That is a mental quality a police officer does not need to possess. I state again, Powell is a baton/trigger away from beating/shooting someone possibly fatally. Do not wait until this occurs.

Now, let me throw in something that has recently come to light. This isn’t Powell’s first questionable treatment of ‘people of color.’ Former Cowboy linebacker Zach Thomas’ wife Maritza, who is Hispanic, was also stopped by Powell for a valid traffic violation, but treated similar to Moats and his wife.

Fire him. But that anger does not need to fester. Powell needs anger management and therapy. Those issues need to be worked out so he can learn tolerance and respect for all. I wish him well. I wish him a new profession.

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One Response to An Update on Texan RB Ryan Moats

  1. Kicker says:

    I have already seen it somethere…

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