Don’t it Make My Brown Eyes Blue … and one Hail Mary

There is no day more than today, that I wish I had attended the University of North Carolina, cuz DONCHA LOVE MY TAR HEELS. NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPS. whoo hoo. Makes my brown eyes blue. That’s tar heel baby blue. And I lie. There’s very FEW days I don’t wish I went to UNC. CUZ I LOVE MY TAR HEELS. MY UNC TAR HEELS. whoo hoo. Did I mention I love my Tar Heels? My UNC Tar Heels. LOL. Shut up. Allow me my fervent psychopathic moment. Cuz I lovvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee me some Roy Williams. So much I rooted for him at Kansas. And I lovvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee me some Tar Heels. The only time we had a parting of the blue was the Dought Years. Henceforth not to be mentioned. He be gone. Whoop, there he go. For basketball, it is baby tar blue. For football, it is the navy nittany blue of Penn State. However, as much as I tell folks if you keep God, Joe Paterno/the Pope (the dead one, not the present one), ESPN in the front of your life your life will be right, I’ve never wished I’d gone to Penn State. Okay, maybe a few times just to give a beat down to my friend Chris. But UNC. The day I walked into the Dean Smith Center, I heard the voice of an angel. Okay, it was the janitor wanting to know if he could help me, but that’s not the point. For me, it was holy sacred ground. I fell on my knees, wiped a spot clean (I’m not stupid), then kissed the parquet floor so many greats had sweated on. I heard the voices of angels. Security. I’m leaving, I’m leaving. Thank goodness the janitor took pity and said I was with the Special Olympics who were holding an event there that day. And then I went to Duke … and speet on the campus. ‘I speet on you.’ Love me some Carolina blue. It is a good day. A great day.

As for other sports, honestly, right now I can’t think. I know baseball season has started, but I don’t care. Give me a moment to get there.

I do have one Hail Mary … to the Pro Basketball Class of 2009. Inductees – Michael Jordan, John Stockton, David Robinson, Jerry Sloan, C. Vivian Stringer.
The only HOF program I watch is the one that happens in Canton – football. I may scan pass the others. Catch someone’s speech, but then I move on. Other sports’ classes never had a full line of inductees to hold my interest for a full show … until now.

Michael Jordan, John Stockton, David Robinson, Jerry Sloan, C. Vivian Stringer.

I don’t care if MJ is depressed his career is over. That, as Greeny said on Mike and Mike in the Morning, the Hall may have to schedule it around MJ’s schedule. At his house even. LOL
I’ll be there.
Respectfully. In tears. Admiration. Inspired.
4 classy individuals, and one amazing athlete.
I’ll be there.
You should too.

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