Tiger Have Heart, We Don’t Care and That’s a Good Thing

It hit ME when I read the headline – ‘Tiger taking golf leave.’  Something is wrong, really really wrong.  No, not with the headline.  My mailbox.  My tweets, IM’s.  My peeps.  They’re quiet.  While I can’t open an online news site without some Tiger headline blaring at me, the chit chat, girl whacha think … giggle … in my opinion … I always knew … how many women can one man …’ is practically absent.  Aside from the ‘WTF’ on news of the car crash, which was to make sure Tiger wasn’t dead, and the ‘DANG,’ when Elin earned her pseudo sistah card swanging a golf club,… fizzle.

Oh we care that Elin is White, and all the women Tiger has fricked are White, but that Tiger goes White, surprises no one.  Face it, a sistah does not fit into his world.  Vijay broke the ‘there’s really a Black man’ on the PGA tour, but where has a sistah ever been seen near one of those golfers if she wasn’t carrying a stack of jacks?  And could he have hidden a Black mistress while traveling, in Australia?

We don’t care.

We don’t even care about the infidelities, which are miniscule compared to Shaq’s, who was so ‘injured’ he couldn’t even show up for the Cavs-Wizards game in D.C..  Yeah right, according NGangSports the NBA ordered Shaq to stay away from that game, because they want this mess between him and Gilbert Arenas’ kept quiet.  You know ‘the mess’ – that after Shaq allegedly screwed around on Shaunie, who allegedly had an affair with the trainer/pool boy they were getting a divorce then next thing you know his boy Dwyane was getting a divorce from his high school sweetheart cuz we heard he was bumping several sweeties, especially … OMG, her! I knew it, she so cute … but then Shaunie and Shaq reconciled only to have her kick him to the curb last month when she found out, a-lled-ged-ley, Shaq’s free throws been going into Gilbert Arenas’ fiance (among maybe other players’ gfs).  By the way did you notice how few mainstream sites thought Shaq’s digits, even though allegedly higher than Tiger’s AND occurring with fellow player playmates, wasn’t news?

They didn’t care.  We don’t care.

Is it because we’re getting back some compassion for the people and the innocents whose lives are changed, ruined, mocked by the heartless lies, titillation, gossip?

Are we desensitized and jaded because the media does an over sale and kill as they one up each other trying to salaciousize, analyze, intellectualize, and sanitize every scandal?

Even the ‘moral majority hail and brimstone’ contingent have nothing to say, though I suspect that has less to do with them not caring as ‘those without sin, living in glass houses,’ know they need to just hush.  Never was a big fan of Da Truth, but still love me some Tye Tribbett.

Does it matter?  I say YES!

Skip Bayless and Steve Bardo, two ESPN First Take negatators, just said Tiger’s ‘leave’ is a calculated slap against the PGA.  They only disagree on how big the slap will be.  Daggum media. Sigh.

Tiger, don’t run.  ‘F’ everybody.  Ignore the media.  Play golf.  That’s what we care about.

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2 Responses to Tiger Have Heart, We Don’t Care and That’s a Good Thing

  1. Valerie (Zuell) Smith says:

    The one problem with Black folks is that we are really quick to “forgive” when one of us has done something wrong. Well, I don’t see Tiger as one of us so I dont care about the wrongs he’s done. He’s got the “OJ Complex” – just can’t stay away from them white girls and now they are going to cost him his family and a whole lot of money.

    I dont see why he stopped playing golf. All he has to do is leave these women alone and get back in the game. He can show us better than he can tell us that he’s acting right.

    So what he loses endorsements. Let him make his money at the sport he’s so good at and live within his means with that paycheck. Kobe did it. He lost his endorsements after that mess he got himself into and it took years to get some of them back but he did it. He just started living right and things started happening for him.

    Thats all Tiger has to do – live right.

  2. Coolaid says:

    You’re right, I don’t care. It’s a shame that with more troops being deployed to…pick a country–we’re obsessed over who Tiger slept with. I so don’t care, that I won’t even devote anymore space to the topic. Enough is enough.

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